choices, identity, mental form, self-escape, white space, new technologies, religious otherness.Abstract
This article proposes an understanding of the issue of personal / social identity as the result of binary choices such as yes or no. They make up a fractal complex of our own lives. Depending on these choices, each of us builds and rebuilds our life, but also our own identity. Some of the hypostases of our identity are quantifiable and captured by empirical sociological analyzes. I illustrated the idea with the results of field sociological research on European identity from 2015-1017. This classic identity - focused on social representations of country, language, religion, family and national culture - is reconfigured as a result of „self-escape” (David Le Breton) and the magic of new technologies. The escape into the white space of the virtual world is often accompanied by the reconfiguration of otherness by identifying with social otherness in the guise of radical religious movements or classical religious denominations. To all these challenges and problems that appeared as a result of the recomposition of the identity, we also proposed a series of solutions.
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