
  • Tudor PITULAC Reader Ph.D., “Petre Andrei” University, Iasi

Mots-clés :

community, typologies, thesis, perception of community, understanding the community


The option to write a text1 about communities, from a sociological point of view, brings the author in the situation to choose a development path, the most suitable one in terms of the aimed outcome. The starting point consists of the following questions: (1) what are the elements that consistently facilitate the understanding of community? (2) Are more relevant the ones that entitle a mental perception of community, or on the contrary the ones that can be directly observed? In this study we analyze community in an antithetical manner. Specifically, we present approaches supporting one type of analysis or another, with the note that they tend to be complementary. We continue with a typological analysis in the world of community, with the intention to emphasize the complexity of the approach and not necessarily to make an inventory.


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