
  • Cristina GAVRILUȚĂ Professor PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania;


time, space, causality, social order, crisis, history terror


The text brings to the attention an iconic figure of the Romanian culture which is claimed not only by sociologists (as a representative of Gusti School), but also by ethnologists and philosophers. In essence, Ernest Bernea, through all his concerns, comes into light as a complex intellectual, who offers a refined humanist social research from his cultural and spiritual data. His sociological approach is based on ethnographic information and on a solid intellectual background. There is an obvious and visible influence of M. Heidegger, N. Ionescu, M. Mauss, and E. Durkheim. Issues of time, space and causality, that of law and order and the crisis of modern worlds represent the main directions of his concerns that we have analyzed taking into account the views of other Romanian authors with similar concerns. In this regard, E. Cioran, N. Noica, T. Maiorescu, L. Blaga, S. Afloroaei have been reading filters of Barnea’s work. It remains a landmark in the sociological literature and a model in the sociological approach of reality.


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Bernea, E. (1997). Spațiu, timp și cauzalitate la popoarul român [Space, Time and Causality in the Romanian People], Humanitas, București.

Bernea, E. (1998). Moartea și înmormântarea în Gorjul de nord [Death and Burrial Customs in Northern Gorj], Cartea Românească, București.

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Blaga, L. (1944). Trilogia culturii. orizont si stil. spatiul mioritic. geneza metaforei si sensul culturii [The Trilogy of Culture. Horizon and Style. The Mioritic Space. The Genesis of the Metaphor and the Meaning of Culture], Fundația Regală penru Literatură și Arte, București.

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