
  • Dumitru STAN Professor PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania;


access to culture, University, cultural capital, sociological integral, cultural space, social order, cultural model


About Petre Andrei has been written, in laudatory terms, that he represents the first Romanian sociologist brought up at a university from Romania, that he was the adept of sociological integralism through which he overcame the boundaries of the deterministic conceptions dominant during the time when he created, that he wrote considerably and at a level comparable with what was being written in the Western sociology at the time, that he was a model as an university professor and man of culture etc. In the present study we present arguments that enforce the truthfulness of the above praises and confirm the high reputation gained by Petre Andrei. Also, we summarize some aspects of its sociological writings which indicate that, now, at almost eight decades since its death, the ideas promoted by him are clearly still actual.


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