
  • Maria Marinela MIHĂILĂ PhD., Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania


Religious identity, Desecularization of faith, Resacralization family life, Spiritual Kinship, Parenting indexes, Religious indexes.


The sociological approach about the effects of secularization on the modern family, specifically the filiation and parenting, combines the perspective of sociology of religions and the systemic-functionalist guidelines correlated with the symbolic interactionism within family sociology by deploying values and principles of Christian morality and philo-sophical ethics transposed to the family life through Christian Bioethics. Having in view the practical-axiological finality, the analysis of family subsystems from the perspective of the various ways of manifestation of family life in the context of modern and postmodern secular society, aims at outlining strategies of social and family policy on long, medium and short-term, having in view the concrete reality of the socio-emotional as well as the technical-proactive construction, of the family environment as a whole, with spiritual and religious valence.


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