
  • Anna Elia Professor of Migratory Processes, Territory and Politics, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Calabria, Italy


resettlement, refugees, indigenous, belonging, forced migration


The article focuses on a case study of Resettlement Programme in a southern Italian region, aimed at a group of Palestinian refugees from the Al-TANF camp, between Syria and Iraq. Within a year, the programme had failed as a number of the Palestinians took flight towards Scandinavia. In the article the established/outside representation of Elias and Scotson, was used to interpret the processes of settlement in the territory and the network of relationships which developed between refugees and locals, but also in the attempt to understand what caused the mechanism of alienation of the resettled Palestinians. The survey aimed to highlight how the feeling of belonging to a place is reproduced and the processes by which social networks are reconstructed by people who have undergone forced migration and wish to recover political and social capital, so creating opportunities for a new and shared territorial identity based upon diversity as a value.


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