globalization, human condition, information civilization, theoretical approaches, pluralismAbstract
An event series marks the end of the second millennium and the arrival of a new era. The world became open and chaotic, it no longer is a clock mechanism. The existing theories doesn’t detect completely the nature of the globalization and its consequences. They apprehended the human condition in a fragmentary manner, each concentrating on the politics, the economics, the society, the culture. The optimists approaches were accompanied by of others, pessimistic. Their difficulties are at once ontologiques, epistémologiques, phenomenological... Despite all their pieces of information, one does not know what we arrive. The globalization is a movement influencing all the aspects of human life, all the regions of the world. The civilization prohibitionist a condition that allows the concomitant production of the strength, wealth, social, cultural interaction, innovation. The union of a vision of the world and of a historic system that produces a value body can be born a civilization. A society built around information produces more liberty and equality, things that people value more in a modern democracy. The relation between individuals, liberties, society and solidarity within the system that generates the complex life of today, needs the art to equilibrate "the eternal yesterday" and "the eternal tomorrow", globalization and pluralism. Our world vilage will not be able to survive if we don't learn to live together and to drop the high barriers around us. Globalization has launched challenges and demands responses. In fact, any new era brings fear and hope... Globalization offers possibilities and dangers, opportunities nd threats, and the people must take courage to reveal them.References
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