prohibition, incest, aggressive incest, non/aggressive incest, sexual consciousness, legislative reasoning, natural exclusion, sexual liberalism, ethnocentric attitude, xenocentric attitude, action reasoningAbstract
The number of incest cases has amazingly increased during the last decades in Romania. This quantitative dimension is supplemented, started with 2010, by a new legislation initiative which is going to facilitate even more numerous incestuous situations. It is about non-criminalization of non-aggressive incest that is the incest between two adults having consented on their sexual relation. Biological, psychological, theological, social and demographic motivations partly block all incestuous temptations of individuals and force them to comply with different rules in order to avoid committing incest. We address such motives in the current study since we believe that the regulator should act differently to have his initiative well perceived: firstly he should inform and warn the population on the harmful effects of the incest and he should launch his new law initiatives on the incest only after the first stage have been successfully completed.References
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