
  • Alain VILBROD Professeur des universités, L'Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Faculté de Lettres et Sciences Sociales Atelier de Recherche sociologique, Brest, France

Cuvinte cheie:

Social work, professional identity, professional group, social action, professional collective memory


A large number of authorized views expostulate a crisis image of the social work, in general, and of the related professions, in particular. Thus, the social workers from in a certain area would experience a sort of anxiety towards the local leadership who, by holding the reins, can impose their narrow and servile viewpoints ; somewhere else, once the less qualified, but younger, personnel is hired for the same positions as the special educators, the latter would helplessly assist to the dilution of what was to be considered their area of expertise; moreover, the maternal assistants would be the ones to encounter the highest obstacles in the process of getting a decent status. In all these instances, the professional identity is at stake. The reality is, nonetheless, more diversified. In fact, the long announced disappearance of the social work related professions is not so close. With all these, lots of changes reconfigure the actual state of things. In this article, we have tried to point out the changes, along with their effects, of the identity construction of social workers.


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