Reflections on Electronic Government: Challenges, Limitations and (Un)Realistic Expectations


  • Nicoleta Loghin (Dumitriu)


e-democracy, e-government, connectivity, digital divides, fair access


E‑governance is a concept that transcends simple administrative modernization. It is an end in itself, a way of approaching an impressive potentially beneficial coexistence between society and technology: it combines the knowledge, resources and needs of society with the potential and capacity of technology to create a more efficient and accessible government environment. Exploring the evolution of e‑government from concept to vision, highlighting the need for its advancement in the contemporary world, we argue for its value as a resource for policy and administration. Through the analysis of empirical studies we will illustrate the concept, evolution, benefits and challenges of e‑government. We emphasize the importance of e‑government not only as a tool for modernization and efficiency but also as a facilitator for democratic processes and civic engagement. By highlighting how e‑government reconciles the demands and needs of society with the potential of technology we can provide a complex and balanced perspective. Considering people as both architects and beneficiaries of transformation, we emphasize the significance of this society‑technology coexistence. Coexistence where e‑government remains an engine of societal progress where people and technology work synergistically to build a more connected and prosperous future. This complex dynamic is the foundation of the idea of a connected and progressive society in which each individual can become an active and influential resource in the governance process.

Author Biography

Nicoleta Loghin (Dumitriu)

PhD student, Department of Political Sciences, International Relations and European Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași


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