Three Types of Criticism of Machiavellian realism
Descartes, Frederic II, Guicciardini, Machiavelli, realismAbstract
In political thinking of the XVI‑XVIII centuries, at least three categories of criticism against Machiavelli can be noted: the minimalist one, specific to those who accept realism, but not all consequences that occur; the moderate criticism of those who, though they consider the foundation of Machiavellian realism wrong, recognize the existence of a certain kind of useful practical wisdom; the radical criticism of those who see the whole Machiavellian approach as flawed and dangerous. Even if these critics are not entirely convincing, their analysis remains useful. We understand better both the way the ethico‑political model was defended in the post‑renaissance world, as well as some of intellectual sources of modern political rationalism or idealism.
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