


European Union, Higher Education, European values, intercultural management, quality management, corruption.


Universities undergo reform processes which consist of changes in policy, changes in governance and leadership, changes in curriculum and programs. Organizational changes are necessary, but often are difficult and stressful. Attention is more and more directed to quality management in higher education throughout Europe. Many European universities all over Europe have underwent a progressive withdrawal of the State as the main financing body. After granting higher education institutional autonomy, the State has required more transparency and accountability. The new challenges impose quality assurance as the main instrument for planning, managing and control. There is also a high-priority need for a profound understanding of academic integrity across all practice elements and for elevating the professional conduct standards. Unfortunately, there is already extensive evidence of unethical behavior in universities. One of the most common unethical behaviors is the domination of conservatism and the central concern to keep the job position, even, by blocking students’ creativity and autonomy. This paper is an analysis of the most important determinants for the European integration of higher education institutions and the main processes during this activity, in light of European values. It focuses, also, on the main challenges regarding ethics.

Author Biographies


Ph.D., Center for Socio-Economic Studies and Multiculturalism, Iasi, Romania. Paper presented during the 3rd edition of the conference ”European Union – Crisis and Borders in XXI Century” (17 May 2019), held at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași


Ph.D.,Center for Socio-Economic Studies and Multiculturalism, Iasi, Romania.


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