
  • DORINA TICU MA student, teaching assistant, Department of Political Science, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi


public policy, evaluation, prospective evaluation, implementation, retrospective evaluation


Public policies have to be assessed and have to be submitted to an evaluation process. But what determines a project of public policy to be considered a success, or the criteria that make it be considered successful, or when one may appreciate that a public policy ended and had the desired results, what criteria should be considered when we speak of evaluation, or when these criteria have to be applied, under what form, all these are questions that start from the evaluation matter.
To determine the evaluation role, at the basis of the analytical process one should consider the definitions given to the evaluation, the roles it plays, its functions, to be able to determine a certain typology, all of them having the role to define the discursive universe and to determine the concept dimensions.
On the other hand, the evaluation may appear as a stage taking place along the cycle of the public policies or may be considered as final the stage in the cycle of the public policies. What is the optimum necessary for a public policy or when one has to talk about the evaluation process and when it has to be applied, all these dimensions get into the rhetoric and practice of the public policies, as processes clearly planned by the institutions which propose to answer some inputs arrived at the level of the social, economic, cultural, political global environment.


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