honor code, shame, society, blood sacrificeAbstract
The theme of human honor has and will always be a subject that will excite the human mind. From the legendary honor gained with sword in hand in the name of the Lord to the most hidden codes and of secret societies, the subject of honor still awakes a series of controversies, most of them because different points of view between anthropologists, theologists and philosophers. Numerous battles in history took place because of the manners in which societies established the sense of honor. Cultural climates and the religious background of the European and Asian communities have generated for centuries, their own acceptations regarding the term of honor: from a fundamental life virtue to an "integrity code of the people" as we see in hidden codes, or body of laws. Due to changes taking place in human history, the term of honor will also suffer changes due to different perspectives but in the end it will be seen as a way of life.
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